Natural spaces

Estany d’Ivars i Vila-Sana

The Estany d'Ivars i Vila-sana (Ivars and Vila-sana Pool, El Pla d’Urgell – Lands of Lleida) was one of the most important wetland zones in inland Catalonia until it dried up in 1951. The pool, whose existence remains fresh in the memory of part of the local population, has now reemerged as the result of an ecological project to recover and recondition this area.

From 2005 onwards, this area was gradually flooded and the resulting pool has now completely transformed the local landscape, adding an important degree of biological diversity. Its dimensions are impressive: a sheet of water covering 126 Ha with a perimeter of almost 6 km, a maximum width of 800 m, a maximum length of 2200 m, and a maximum depth of 1.9 m.

The water is now supplied by the Canal d’Urgell and corresponds to resources that were previously used to irrigate crops on these same lands. This territory had originally been occupied by an endorheic pool that used to almost dry up in summer, but with the arrival of water from the irrigation canal this became a large wetland zone.

From an ornithological point of view, the Ivars and Vila-sana Pool has become one of the most important wetland zones in Catalonia for bird watching. It is important to stress the tremendous diversity of species that can be observed here: over 210 throughout the year, between sedentary, summering, wintering and passing species. In winter, large flocks of hundreds of ducks, coots, gulls, and lapwings, etc. have helped to make this pool the main wetland bird reserve in inland Catalonia.

The pool has two information points located at the arrival points from which nature routes lead to vantage points, watches, and interpretation platforms. As a whole, this is a natural space of great ecological interest and is well prepared for enjoyable walks and cycle rides

Contact information

The Ivars and Vila-sana Pool
C/ Afores, s/n - Ivars d''Urgell
Ivars d''Urgell
Tel. 973 71 13 13



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