Parc astronòmic del Montsec

The sierra of el Montsec: A Starlight tourist destination and Starlight reserve

The main objective behind the creation of the Parc Astronòmic Montsec (PAM) was to provide Catalonia with a basic set of facilities for astronomical research, training and promotion. It was also hoped that these facilities would help to stimulate the economy of the surrounding territory.

Given Montsec's unique characteristics as a site for astronomical observation within the context of Catalonia, the PAM should help to attract people interested in both its special qualities and the new possibilities that will develop as a result of its interaction with resources already present in the surrounding area.

The PAM is formed by the Observatori Astronòmic del Montsec (OAdM) and the Centre d´Observació de l´Univers(COU).

The OAdM (Montsec Astronomical Observatory) is the scientific branch of the PAM and its basic function is related to research and university training. The centre is located at Sant Esteve de la Sarga, at an altitude of 1570 m. There is a service building and a 6.15 m-diameter dome containing an 80 cm-diameter telescope.

The COU (Centre for Observing the Universe) is the part of the PAM that specialises in training and promotion. It will be a multi-spatial centre with areas for play and training and has been designed with a view to meeting the demands of cultural and scientific tourism. The centre consists of the Central Building, the Area for Astronomical Observation and the Eye of Montsec. The latter is a planetarium with capacity for 70 visitors, which is covered by a retractable dome. The dome can be opened to leave the hall uncovered and permit direct observation of the sky.

Parc Astronòmic del Montsec Centre d’Observació de l’Univers

Camí del Coll d’Ares, s/n, 25691 Àger

973 455 246 / 973 455 247





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